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Is it possible to get by on auto liability insurance?

Before you buy anything, it would be wise to read the fine print to know exactly what you are spending your money on. When it comes to purchasing auto insurance in 78753, TX, you definitely want to read the fine print because they might just try to sell you anything.

Depending on the type of car that you have and the year you might fall into the category of only needing auto liability insurance. Now this decision is entirely up to you and no insurance company is going to direct you otherwise. Understanding what auto liability insurance is can help you when making this decision.

Knowing a few key things can save you money and can save you some time. Auto liability insurance only covers damages done to the other driver's property including bodily injury. It also covers anyone driving the insurers car with there permission. Some liability coverage may include lost wages, and pain and suffering. Also damages to other property such as buildings, walls, fences and equipment. When you select liability coverage you need to choose the limits that are right for you.

The limits under liability are generally described either as split limits or as a combined single limit. Regardless of the type of liability you get make sure its enough. If you have an auto loan on your car than you are probably required to have full coverage and that would only make sense. If your car has value then you will want to insure that. Now for the driver in a 99 Nissan that is paid off you may only need liability coverage. In that situation it is entirely up to you.

Also look at the difference in cost when it comes to liability versus full coverage. Not only if you have an older car but you can get liability to save on costs. During this time you will really want to make sure that you are a safe driver. Before you do any of this make sure you check out the laws in your state. This will tell you the minimum insurance needed for your car. Your state may not require extensive insurance although extra coverage may be worth the expense. Keep in mind no one wants to be stuck with thousands of dollars worth of bills because of an auto accident.

So if you are still wondering, the answer is yes. It is possible to get by with auto liability insurance but only if its for you. There are a few questions that you will have to ask yourself first. Once you understand the reasons why you want liability you should be fine. Always know that in any circumstance, getting auto liability insurance simply because you call yourself saving money, think again. You could yourself up a creek without a paddle.

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